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261 Supplying all materials labour TP for Design Drawing Construction Testing Commissioning of 70000 ltrs capacity RCC OHT with 12 mtr staging connection of OHT construction of CW complete for RPWS to village Kendujiani under Thakurmunda Block
262 Supplying Labour, Materials and T&P for Laying of pipelines, Construction of valve Chambers, stand post,Construction of 30KL ltrs capacityRCC OHR with 5 years annual repair and maintenance connection with to PWS to Danapur under Chikiti Block.
263 Construction of 4.00 lakh ltr UGR,for PWS to BAIGANIA under BHAPUR Block. (Head-Augmentation)
TRN : 824754 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 19.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for construction of 4.00 lakh ltr ugr,for pws to baigania under bhapur block. (head-augmentation)
264 Supplying Labour, Materials and T&P for Laying of pipeline, Construction of valve chamber, pumping unit installation, Construction of 100KL OHT, construction of compound wall etc. i.c.w PWS to Narendrapur (Improvement) under Sheragada Block.
265 Supplying all construction materials, HDPE / GI pipes, valves, specials etc. and laying the pipeline. Constructing the pump house with compound wall, fitting and fixing of suitable motor and pump set in the production well, constructing RCC Elevated Storage Reservoir of specified capacity, providing household connections etc. along with five years maintenance after one year of defect liability period etc. complete for PWS to Darpana in Badachana Block of Jajpur district.
266 Supplying all construction materials, HDPE / GI pipes, valves, specials etc. and laying the pipeline. Constructing the pump house with compound wall, fitting and fixing of suitable motor and pump set in the production well, constructing RCC Elevated Storage Reservoir of specified capacity, providing household connections etc. along with five years maintenance after one year of defect liability period etc. complete for PWS to Kapila in Binjharpur Block of Jajpur district.
267 Supplying all construction materials, HDPE / GI pipes, valves, specials etc. and laying the pipeline. Repair of the pump house , fitting and fixing of suitable motor and pump set in the production well, constructing RCC Elevated Storage Reservoir of specified capacity, providing household connections etc. along with five years maintenance after one year of defect liability period etc. complete for PWS to Fatepur in Dasarathpur Block of Jajpur district.
268 Supplying all construction materials, HDPE / GI pipes, valves, specials etc. and laying the pipeline. Constructing the pump house with compound wall, fitting and fixing of suitable motor and pump set in the production well, constructing RCC Elevated Storage Reservoir of specified capacity, providing household connections etc. along with five years maintenance after one year of defect liability period etc. complete for PWS to Kacharigaon in Jajpur Block of Jajpur district.
269 Supplying all construction materials, HDPE / GI pipes, valves, specials etc. and laying the pipeline. Constructing the pump house with compound wall, fitting and fixing of suitable motor and pump set in the production well, constructing RCC Elevated Storage Reservoir of specified capacity, providing household connections etc. along with five years maintenance after one year of defect liability period etc. complete for PWS to Kacharigaon in Jajpur Block of Jajpur district.
270 Supplying Labour, Materials and T&P for Laying of pipelines, Construction of valve Chambers, stand post,Construction of 75KL ltrs capacityRCC OHR Pumping unit installation with 5 years annual repair and maintenance connection with to PWS to Talapada under Patrapur Block.

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