3752Const. of RCC OHT 50000 ltr capacity 13mtr Staging, Pump house ,Stand post, Stand alone, Compound wall, Laying of HDPE/ GI Pipe line including 5 years maintenance for PWS to Vill Ghantapali of Binka block out of NRDWP Programme.
Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
60.11 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
3756Construction of 4.50 mtr OD RCC Intake well and laying of 250mm dia MS gallery pipe line for RPWS to Village Bhursipali under Puintala Block in District of Balangir.
Balangir - Orissa
Contract Value :
13.89 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division