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1861 Construction and Maintenance of Ullar to Raipur road under MMSY for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 656300 |  Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.42 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of ullar to raipur road under mmsy for the year 2018-19.
1862 Construction of Sub-Centre Building at Penthapal under Block Pattamundai in the district of Kendrapara for the year 2018-19
1863 Improvement of R.D. Road to Kharimara from 0/00 Km. to 1/500 Km. under DMF in the District of Keonjhar for the year 2018-19.
1864 Construction of ward room at CHC Agarapada Under PIP for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 655004 |  Bhadrak - Orissa
Contract Value : 37.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of ward room at chc agarapada under pip for the year 2018-19.
1865 Construction and Maintenance of Sabarang Haripur (Chhakpur) PMGSY Road to Paliabindha Road via Sahabarada under MMSY for 2018-19 in the District of Bhadrak
1866 Construction and maintainance of Talagundula to Kakharuagoda Road under OMBADC in the District of Keonjhar.
TRN : 666267 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.72 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintainance of talagundula to kakharuagoda road under ombadc in the district of keonjhar.
1867 A/E to From MV-55 to MV-94 Road for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 654599 |  Sunabeda - Orissa
Contract Value : 26.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for a/e to from mv-55 to mv-94 road for the year 2018-19.
1868 Construction and Maintaianance of Deri to Laru Road under OMBADC in the District of Keonjhar.
TRN : 666268 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.25 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintaianance of deri to laru road under ombadc in the district of keonjhar.
1869 Construction of Bridge Road at Iralgundi to Matapaka Road under SCA for LWE District for the year 2018-19
TRN : 654600 |  Sunabeda - Orissa
Contract Value : 11.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of bridge road at iralgundi to matapaka road under sca for lwe district for the year 2018-19
1870 Construction and Maintainance of Tana to Pokharipani Road under OMBADC in the District of Keonjhar.
TRN : 666269 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.91 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintainance of tana to pokharipani road under ombadc in the district of keonjhar.

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