1247Transportation and Laying of haulage track and rope with 30 lbs and cleaning of gallery in 5 L.E, P-19 and Along 2Dip/19 L In Seam IVB of Jhilimili Mine
Baikunthpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
14.73 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
1249Supporting of roof by machenized drilling of holes(1.80m Length and 29mm dia)jamming of roof bolts with resin capsules and tightening the roof bolts with bearing plates/W-strap at 117 L.E panel of East Block of Chucha Mine RO
Baikunthpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
13.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited