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2171 Making arrangement of drinking water at Baiga Para Dafai at Purani Ledri under AHQ of Hasdeo Area
TRN : 660829 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 5.11 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making arrangement of drinking water at baiga para dafai at purani ledri under ahq of hasdeo area
2172 (i) Transportation and laying of haulage track, (ii) Instalation of endless haulage (iii) Line packing with metals and (iv) Mulma cleaning / removal of debris in 96 L.W gallery from 47X to 26X in 96L.W dep panel in underground at West block of Churc
2173 Laying of 95 mm2 power cable in B14 B15,B16, B25, B26, B27,(CM Panel) at seam VI(B) of Khairaha UG Mine of Sohagpur Area.
TRN : 660481 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.72 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for laying of 95 mm2 power cable in b14 b15,b16, b25, b26, b27,(cm panel) at seam vi(b) of khairaha ug mine of sohagpur area.
2174 Marching of 02 no. SDL from -96LN and 22 Rise distt. To surface at Jhiria UG Mine of Hasdeo Area.
TRN : 657938 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 2.41 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for marching of 02 no. sdl from -96ln and 22 rise distt. to surface at jhiria ug mine of hasdeo area.
2175 Transportation,Installation and Commissioning of Main belt(1000 mm)with belt and drive head Accessories B14,B26 and B27 Panel (CM Panel) at SeamVI(B) in Khairaha U.G. Mine of sohagpur Area
2176 Construction of 02 nos air crossing by use of fly ash brick in 23LN development district of 10B seam at Haldibari UG Mine.
TRN : 657940 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 13.21 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for construction of 02 nos air crossing by use of fly ash brick in 23ln development district of 10b seam at haldibari ug mine.
2177 Cleaning of 2500 garland drain at sharda OCM of Sohagpur Area.
TRN : 660212 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.73 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for cleaning of 2500 garland drain at sharda ocm of sohagpur area.
2178 Installation of 500GPM pump and laying of 4 dia pipe line for dewatering of waterlogged area in proposed depillaring panel -40D and -27D dev. Panel in seam C at Kurja Sheetaldhara UG Mine of Hasdeo Area.
2179 Transportation and Installation of 06 nos. endless haulage in B14,B15,B16,B25,B26 and B27 (CM panel) at Seam VI(B) of Khairaha UG Mine of Sohagpur Area
2180 Annual operation and maintenance of domestic effluent treatment plant, LPS-1, LPS-2 at Sanjay Nagar Colony under Dhanpuri OCM Sub Area of Sohagpur Area

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