2582Cutting and cleaning of kutcha drains coal debris from road side berms along coal transportation road towards coal face of upper Kusmunda of old Dipka unit at Gevra Project of Gevra Area.
Korba - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
11.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
2586Cutting, deepening, widening and cleaning of drains including removal of slush/muck in and around old CHP and mine No.2 at Dipka expansion project of Dipka area
Korba - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
10.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
2587Supplying and laying of road construction material for repair and maintenance of coal transportation road at mine No. 1 of Dipka expansion project of Dipka area
Korba - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
57.78 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
2589Construction of 09 Nos RCC Isolation Stopping and 03 nos Brick made preparatory ( full and final sealing after working ) at 6 LS/19 Dip Contiguous depillaring panel of LPP Seam at Bhatgaon U.G. Mine .
Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
11.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited