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281 Supply of LT Lightning Arrester as per Specification
TRN : 665017 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 235 | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of lt lightning arrester as per specification
282 Supply of Stay clamp pair for RSJ pole and 9m PSC pole
TRN : 665020 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 310 | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of stay clamp pair for rsj pole and 9m psc pole
283 Supply of Back clamps tappingchannelx arm and bolt and nut
TRN : 665022 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of back clamps tappingchannelx arm and bolt and nut
284 Hiring of Diesel Driven Tata Sumo or equivalent vehicle to Ex servicemen squad of Tuticorin EDC
TRN : 745043 |  Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for hiring of diesel driven tata sumo or equivalent vehicle to ex servicemen squad of tuticorin edc
285 TTPS Mech II AHP Unit II Replacing the Clinker grinder Feed gate assembly Power cylinders and its connected pipe lines Feed sump Hydraulic ejector assembly etc in unit II Bottom ash hopper ash disposal system during forthcoming overhaul 2019 20
286 Overhauling of HPT IPT Control valves and cam shaft assemblies in Unit II
TRN : 713405 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for overhauling of hpt ipt control valves and cam shaft assemblies in unit ii
287 TTPS Mech II AHP Unit II Replacing the Clinker grinder Feed gate assembly Power cylinders and its connected pipe lines Feed sump Hydraulic ejector assembly etc in unit II Bottom ash hopper ash disposal system during forthcoming overhaul 2019 20
288 Overhauling of Steam and condensate valves flange gasket renewal and machining of valves yoke bush in main turbine system
TRN : 713406 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for overhauling of steam and condensate valves flange gasket renewal and machining of valves yoke bush in main turbine system
289 TTPS Mech II TM I Overhaul 2019 20 Unit II Overhauling of Turbine Lub oil system seal oil system Valves and equipment
TRN : 669225 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech ii tm i overhaul 2019 20 unit ii overhauling of turbine lub oil system seal oil system valves and equipment
290 TTPS Mech II AHP Unit II Plastering of refractory cement inside Unit II BAH and removal of ash slag and debris from BAH floor and trenches during forthcoming overhaul period 2019 20

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