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431Removal and relaying of insulation with cladding on flue gas inlet duct hot secondary outlet duct hot primary outlet duct of Airpreheaters 1A 1B of Unit I during overhauling for the year 2019 20
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
1.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
432Renewal Reversing of Heating elements Reconditioning of Diaphragm plate by patch works Renewal of Cold end gratings and overhauling of Rotor Shell in Aipreheater 1B
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
10.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
433Renewal Reversing of Heating elements Reconditioning of Diaphragm plate by patch works Renewal of Cold end gratings and overhauling of Rotor Shell in Aipreheater 1A
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
10.36 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
435TTPS Mech II AHP Plastering of refractory cement inside Unit I BAH and removal of ash slag and debris from BAH floor and trenches during forthcoming overhaul period 2019 20
Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
2.61 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited