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491GI Stay wire 7/11 SWG
Erode - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
80.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
495Providing 06 Nos. of Diesel driven Van/Jeep model vehicle or equivalent vehicle for the official use of the Executive Engineers/SSE &TE/CHN and the Asst. Exe. Engineers/SSE/CHN,TMNI, TE-II/CHN & TLC/CHN of GCC-I Circle on hire basis for a period of one year from the date of utilization
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
4.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
496Supply , Installation & Commissioning of 75 Ton Capacity C – Frame Steel fabricated Body Power Press fitted with Pneumatic Clutch & Brake , Photo Guard Sensor , Anti Vibration Pads with all other standard Accessories with Complete Electricals that may required for commissioning along with Set of Std . Tool & Dies required for manufacturing 3 - Phase Channel Cross Arms as given in the drawing with Annexure to Technical Specification : Qty-1Set
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
4.44 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited