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701 Supply of 11KV HG FUSE SET
TRN : 625800 |  Vellore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 9.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of 11kv hg fuse set
702 Supply,Installation and commissioning of LED based SPV Home Lighting System for 71 Nos. of unelectrified remote habitations in KKEDC
TRN : 627716 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 9.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply,installation and commissioning of led based spv home lighting system for 71 nos. of unelectrified remote habitations in kkedc
703 Supply,Installation and commissioning of LED based SPV Home Lighting System for 71 Nos. of unelectrified remote habitations in KKEDC
TRN : 626057 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 9.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply,installation and commissioning of led based spv home lighting system for 71 nos. of unelectrified remote habitations in kkedc
704 Solar Roof Top Panel
TRN : 624974 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 40.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for solar roof top panel
705 WC25 for Erection DT STR at 6 Loc RF at 3 Locations bay extension under IPDS in Kanam Town
TRN : 623253 |  Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for wc25 for erection dt str at 6 loc rf at 3 locations bay extension under ipds in kanam town
706 Work Contract for Erection DT STR at 6 Locations and ring fencing metering set at 3 Locations under IPDS in Thenthiruperai Town Panchayat
TRN : 623254 |  Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for work contract for erection dt str at 6 locations and ring fencing metering set at 3 locations under ipds in thenthiruperai town panchayat
707 Execution of ipds works in Aloor TP in Parasery section under TKY div
TRN : 622740 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 21.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for execution of ipds works in aloor tp in parasery section under tky div
708 Execution of IPDS works by providing 3 nos. of 25KVA DTs at Vellimalai TP and 8 nos. of 25KVA DTs at Manavalakurichy TP under Manavalakurichy sec in Tky div
TRN : 622742 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 15.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for execution of ipds works by providing 3 nos. of 25kva dts at vellimalai tp and 8 nos. of 25kva dts at manavalakurichy tp under manavalakurichy sec in tky div
709 Execution of ipds works by providing 12 Nos. of 25KVA DT at Manavalakurichy TP under Manavalakurichy sec in Thuckalay div
TRN : 622744 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 15.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for execution of ipds works by providing 12 nos. of 25kva dt at manavalakurichy tp under manavalakurichy sec in thuckalay div
710 Execution of additional LT Works for IPDS scheme at various loc in Palapallam tp and Reetapuram TP under Colachel II sec in Tky div
TRN : 622745 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 12.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for execution of additional lt works for ipds scheme at various loc in palapallam tp and reetapuram tp under colachel ii sec in tky div

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