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31 Providing protection arrangements for tower foundation at Location 11 for Adaiyur 110 KV DC line.
TRN : 731542 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 6.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing protection arrangements for tower foundation at location 11 for adaiyur 110 kv dc line.
32 Dismantling of existing towers of Yerandahali & Mettur 230 KV feeder for new double bus arrangements work at Hosur 230 KV SS Premises.
TRN : 731543 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited
Tender award for dismantling of existing towers of yerandahali & mettur 230 kv feeder for new double bus arrangements work at hosur 230 kv ss premises.
33 Earth work excavation, stub setting, concreting, Tansporting & erection of DC tower, stringing of 3 Nos. panther conductor, GI earth wire 7/3.55 mm Dismantling of old towers and Leopard conductor of existing Pudanchandai – Nallur SC line on SC towers of the existing Pudanchandai – Namakkal 110 KV feeder at the proposed Nallur 230/110 KV SS (Loc. 16-34) Reach -II
34 Labour charges for transport and hoisting of insulators, supply of hardware fitting, stringing of 3 Nos. Panther conductor on free arm of existing DC towers of 110 KV Pudanchandai – Namakkal feeder from tapping location of Nallur Spur line. (Loc. 1 – 28)
35 Earth work excavation, stub setting, Tansporting & erection of tower, stringing of panther conductor 6 Nos. and GI earth wire 7/3.55 mm 1 No. For LILO of the existing BKB –II to Tiruchengode 110 KV feeder at the proposed nallur 230/110 KV SS (Loc. 91-94) Reach -II
36 Providing WC Column, structure plinths, cable duct, pipe line for bay extension portion at Pudhanchandai 230/110 KV SS
TRN : 731547 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 14.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing wc column, structure plinths, cable duct, pipe line for bay extension portion at pudhanchandai 230/110 kv ss
37 Providing additional structure plinths, Metal spreading for bay extension portin at existing Elanagar 110/22 KV SS .
TRN : 731548 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 10.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing additional structure plinths, metal spreading for bay extension portin at existing elanagar 110/22 kv ss .
38 Earth work excavation, stub setting, concreting, erection of towers, stringing of 6 Nos. panther conductor and 1 No. earth wire for erection of 110 KV DC line on DC tower with panther conductor from the proposed Thirupathur 230/110 KV SS to Thirupathur 110/33 KV SS (Railway crossing Loc. No.53,54)
39 Supplying of GI angle of various sizes to be fixed in cable duct, providing cable duct covering slab in RCC 1:1.5:3 for the proposed new Singarapet 230/110 KV SS
40 Clearing the Heavy jungles for providing approaches to transport the tower parts & conductor in the thick jungles in reserved forest area in between M.V.Puram to M.R.Puram for carrying out the improvement line works from Thiruvlam to Mosur 110 KV feeder in between Loc, 22-26 & 28-36

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