8336Construction of Internal Cement Concrete for Birunagar Mail Road to Mahadev Gujale Home, Mundfanewasti to Shankar Ghongane House, Payaripool Ranjana Wajale House at Mahalung Tal Malshiras.
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.91 Lacs |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat
8337Construction of A) Concrete Road and Gutter to Ambedkarnagar B) Underground Gutter to Bramhachaitanyanagar Dalitwasti C) Underground Gutter to Sainagar/Policeline Dalitwasti at Mahalung Tal Malshiras.
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
16.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat
8338Construction of A) Internal Cement Concrete Road for Gat No. 2 Dalit Wasti B) Construction of Cement Concrete Road for Gat No. 2 Internal Dalit Wasti C) Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road for Payaripul Dalit Wasti at Mahalung Tal Malshiras.
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
24.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat