1156Providing and erecting chain link fencing to restrict unauthorised entries and for security purpose in front of inspection gallery and foundation gallery and repairs and renovation of Chain link compounds of rest house at Dhamani Dam of Surya Major P
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
14.06 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
1160Dhakatapada Shahapur Kharland Scheme, Tal. Alibag , Dist. Raigad Restoration between at ch. 0 m. to 100 m., 150 m. to 200 m., 240 m. to 310 m., 450 m. to 500 m., 600 m. to 785 m., and ch. 2715 m. to 2760 m. and Strengthening of SG at ch. 2707 m.
Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
9.43 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department