302Providing new approach bridge, mesh on top of well, ladder inside well and other concerned works of 1.2 X 1.4 mtr. Service Gate 01 set at Raigadh minor tank, Tq. Chandur Railway, Dist
Amravati - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
307Maintenance and Repairs of 0.9X 0.9 M Head Regulator Gate 02 sets including providing new bearing,stem nut,security cap,cast iron sleeve for hoist.Providing new brass plate and taper wedges to gate leaf.Fabrication at Titwi Project.
Amravati - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
5.97 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
308Repairs to direct outlet and inlet structure Gate 39 Nos. of size 0.4 x 0.4 mtr including providing new stem rods, cleaning and greasing of stem rods, providing new gate leaves and other related works at main canal and distributories of Loni Dhavalgi
Amravati - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.45 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department