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TRN : 850983 |  Yavatmal - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 24.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for kurahd village water supply scheme tq.darwha. distt.yavatmal (minaral development fund)
102 Designing, Providing , Installing , Commissioning and giving satisfactory test and trial of SCADA, AUTOMATION and PLC Based Remote Monitoring System for Various Water Supply Schemes under Jalswarajya II Programme in District - Amravati
103 BIFURCATION OF PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR VILLAGE- KHERI (1 NO.) FROM THE EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SCHEME MUSSAPUR (COVERING 4 NOS. VILLAGES) BLOCK NURPUR BEDI DISTRICT- RUPNAGAR. PUNJAB (NABARD- XXIII). Providing & installing tubewell of size 200 mm i/d straight up to 200 mtr. depth, construction of RCC OHSR of 50000 ltr. Capacity with 20 mtr. FSL, construction of Pump Chamber with toilet , Pumping machinery, CI fitting inside pump chamber, Rising main, Distribution system, Disinfection Unit, Development of water works site etc. complete in all respect.
104 Special Repairs to SAWARGAON BANGALA Village Water Supply Scheme.Under Malpathar 40 Villages Regional Rural Water Supply Scheme Tq Pusad Dist Yavatmal Scarcity 2019-20
105 Special Repairs to Hiwalni Kd. Village Water Supply Scheme.Under Malpathar 40 Villages Regional Rural Water Supply Scheme Tq Pusad Dist Yavatmal Scarcity 2019 2020
106 Special Repairs to Lohara Iz. Village Water Supply Scheme.Under Malpathar 40 Villages Regional Rural Water Supply Scheme Tq Pusad Dist Yavatmal Scarcity 2019-20
107 Special Repairs to Fetra Village Water Supply Scheme Under Malpathar 40 Villages Regional Rural Water Supply Scheme Tq Pusad Dist Yavatmal UnderScarcity 2019 2020
108 UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE SCHEME FOR GOVT. MEDICAL COLLAGE, AKOLA - Operation and Maintainance of 2.00 MLD sewage Treatment plant at GMC, Akola for One year during 2019-20
109 Special Repairs to SAWARGAON BANGALA Village Water Supply Scheme.Under Malpathar 40 Villages Regional Rural Water Supply Scheme Tq Pusad Dist Yavatmal Scarcity 2019-20
110 Special Repairs to Hiwalni Kd. Village Water Supply Scheme.Under Malpathar 40 Villages Regional Rural Water Supply Scheme Tq Pusad Dist Yavatmal Scarcity 2019 2020

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