You have searched for zilla-parishad in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

14061 Improvement of road from Tantibari of Kuthirpara in Durgapur to Ganesh Maidan within Ramanagar GP under Ranaghat I Block in the district of Nadia
14062 Improvement of Remaining part of Road from Tashi hotel to Dakshin Sishubari
TRN : 563123 |  Alipurduar - West Bengal
Contract Value : 33.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for improvement of remaining part of road from tashi hotel to dakshin sishubari
14063 Improvement of road form Muragachha Ghoshpara to Gurguria Khal wooden Bridge via Sanaidapara and Subhodini Girls High School under Nakasipara Block in the District of Nadia.
14064 Improvement of road form Mathurapur Kalitala to Helapara under Bikrampur G.P. under Nakasipara Block in the District of Nadia
14065 Construction of plain cement concrete road with sand cement etc from SM chak prabhat maji house to satyajit mal house .
14066 Maintenance of Road From Kalibari Bazar to kultali Para Under Canning II P.S.
TRN : 628343 |  South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value : 43.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for maintenance of road from kalibari bazar to kultali para under canning ii p.s.
14067 Supply of material for Construction of Tube Well Platform with soak pit and 3mtr. drain at different places under Burwan Panchayat Samity (2nd Call)
14068 Construction of road From the house of Achintya Bhattacharya Towards west F.P. School at Moushuni GP
TRN : 628349 |  South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value : 19.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of road from the house of achintya bhattacharya towards west f.p. school at moushuni gp
14069 Supply of material for Construction of Tube Well Platform with soak pit and 3mtr. drain at different places under Burwan Panchayat Samity (2nd Call)
14070 Supply of material for Construction of Tube Well Platform with soak pit and 3mtr. drain at different places under Burwan Panchayat Samity (2nd Call)

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