14882Water Supply Arrangement to the sources by Installation India Mark -II (100 mm X 40 mm ) Depth 65.60 Mtr. tubewell fitted with Arsenic Treatment Unit with 2 (Two) years O & M, different Three (3) places at Sahebnagar GP under Jalangi Development Block,Jalangi,Msd, MSDP(2018-19)
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
14883Water Supply Arrangement to the sources by Installation India Mark -II (100 mm X 40 mm ) Depth 65.60 Mtr. tubewell fitted with Arsenic Treatment Unit with 2 (Two) years O & M, different Three (3) places at Sagarpara GP under Jalangi Development Block,Jalangi,Msd, MSDP(2018-19)
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
14884Repairing and maintenance of black top road from House of Rintu Mondal towards Pipulkhola PWD road via Lakritala at Dhoradaha -II GP under Karimpur-II Block
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
24.35 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
14889Water Supply Arrangement to the sources by Installation India Mark -II (100 mm X 40 mm ) Depth 65.60 Mtr. tubewell fitted with Arsenic Treatment Unit with 2 (Two) years O & M, different Three (3) places at Sagarpara GP under Jalangi Development Block,Jalangi,Msd, MSDP(2018-19)
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad