You have searched for zilla-parishad in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

15091 Const. of Guard wall with Extention of Spill way of Metaldoba Check Dam
TRN : 546598 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 29.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for const. of guard wall with extention of spill way of metaldoba check dam
15092 Construction of one storied Child Friendly Anganwadi at Raninagar, AWC No. - 232 (ECCE Model AWC), Mouza -Raninagar, J.L. NO.-117, Plot No. - 255, Kh. - 01 under Karimpur-I Dev. Block in the district Nadia
15093 Cons. Of Boundary Wall at Bon-Sarenga High School
TRN : 546599 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 15.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for cons. of boundary wall at bon-sarenga high school
15094 Supply of flood light the flood light s at Kamurdiar najbul haque high maddrasa playground under Ghoramara gp under 14TH FC "
15095 Cons. Of Boundary Wall at Hetyagera Pry. School
TRN : 546600 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 11.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for cons. of boundary wall at hetyagera pry. school
15096 Installation of Water Treatment Plant at NISCHINTOPUR under Ghoramara G.P under Domkal Block. PBG/14TH FC "
TRN : 546058 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for installation of water treatment plant at nischintopur under ghoramara g.p under domkal block. pbg/14th fc "
15097 Const. of Boundary wall at Dubrajpur Sammelani High School
TRN : 546601 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 11.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for const. of boundary wall at dubrajpur sammelani high school
15098 Installation of Water Treatment Plant at NISCHINTOPUR under Ghoramara G.P under Domkal Block. PBG/14TH FC "
TRN : 546059 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for installation of water treatment plant at nischintopur under ghoramara g.p under domkal block. pbg/14th fc "
15099 Const of Boundary wall at Simlapal MM High School
TRN : 546602 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 11.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for const of boundary wall at simlapal mm high school
15100 Const. of Up gradation of Arts Building at Simlapal M.M High School
TRN : 546603 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 13.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for const. of up gradation of arts building at simlapal m.m high school

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