You have searched for zilla-parishad in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

15841 Construction of Dyeing and Printing and Guest Room unit Building at Mouza-Tantipara , J.L. No.-51,Plot No.-77 with in Tantipara Gram Panchayet of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project
15842 Construction of 3 Vent Box culvert [5.0mx5.0m] at Ch 3650m. & approach road at canal near village Bagan Ghat under Kandi Block, Msd. [Fund under order No. 6600/RD-P/RIDF/1S-14/16, 29/12/17 & 207/260/ACS/P&RD/17, 1/2/18]
15843 Construction of Weaving and RMG unit Building Mouza-Tantipara , J.L. No.-51,Plot No.-77 with in Tantipara Gram Panchayet of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project
15844 Installation of signage for implementation of SOP to 10 Nos of Ferry ghats
TRN : 525601 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for installation of signage for implementation of sop to 10 nos of ferry ghats
15845 Construction of Boundary Wall of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project Mouza Tanti Para J. L NO. 51 Plot No. 77 within Tantipara GP
15846 Construction of Toilet, Pump with DTH Bore (200 x 150) and Electric Room of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project Mouza Tanti Para J. L NO. 51 Plot No. 77 within Tantipara GP
15847 Construction of Office cum Store , Stair and Guest Room And Reeling unit Building Mouza-Tantipara , J.L. No.-51,Plot No.-77 with in Tantipara Gram Panchayet of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project
15848 Construction of Canteen Cum Kitchen Room of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project Mouza Tanti Para J. L NO. 51 Plot No. 77 within Tantipara GP
15849 Construction of Drain of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project Mouza Tanti Para J. L NO. 51 Plot No. 77 within Tantipara GP
15850 Construction of Godown of Tantipara Tasar Silk Cluster Project Mouza Tanti Para J. L NO. 51 Plot No. 77 within Tantipara GP

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