You have searched for zilla-parishad in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
15961Construction of ICDS Center at Mugrogeria of mouza- Sarishadighi, JL No 92, Plot no 1096 of Kotulpur GP under Kotulpur Panchayat Samity from MGNREGS and WCD and SW Fund (Convergence) for the financial year 2018-2019
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
15965Construction of ICDS Center at Mosinapur Daluipara of mouza- Mosinapur, JL No 167, Plot no 3302 of Sihar GP under Kotulpur Panchayat Samity from MGNREGS and WCD and SW Fund (Convergence) for the financial year 2018-2019
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
15967Construction of ICDS Center at Nalboni Metepara of mouza- Konarpur, JL No 134, Plot no 2283 of Sihar GP under Kotulpur Panchayat Samity from MGNREGS and WCD and SW Fund (Convergence) for the financial year 2018-2019
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
15969Construction of ICDS Center at Nalboni Metepara of mouza- Konarpur, JL No 134, Plot no 2283 of Sihar GP under Kotulpur Panchayat Samity from MGNREGS and WCD and SW Fund (Convergence) for the financial year 2018-2019
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
15970Construction of ICDS Center at Santra of mouza- Madanmohanpur JL No 26, Plot no 3130 of Madanmohanpur GP under Kotulpur Panchayat Samity from MGNREGS and WCD and SW Fund (Convergence) for the financial year 2018-2019
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad