You have searched for zilla-parishad in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

16251 Electrification and Lighting Arrangement for Community Enclave Building at Kisamatbatrigach Dakshin Masaldanga within Dinhata I PS
16252 Electrical works of street light from state highway to Burning Ghat under BKDA.
TRN : 515965 |  Birbhum - West Bengal
Contract Value : 14.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for electrical works of street light from state highway to burning ghat under bkda.
16253 Electrical works of street light from BKDA office to Bakreswar river via. Bakreswar Temple under BKDA.
TRN : 515966 |  Birbhum - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for electrical works of street light from bkda office to bakreswar river via. bakreswar temple under bkda.
16254 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 370) at Dakshin Kathulia under Gadhearkuthi GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"
16255 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 270) at Gairkata R.R Primary School AWC under Sakoajhora- I GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"
16256 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 270) at Gairkata R.R Primary School AWC under Sakoajhora- I GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"
16257 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 270) at Gairkata R.R Primary School AWC under Sakoajhora- I GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"
16258 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 270) at Gairkata R.R Primary School AWC under Sakoajhora- I GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"
16259 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 270) at Gairkata R.R Primary School AWC under Sakoajhora- I GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"
16260 Construction of ICDS Centre (AWC No. 576) at Jajaparal AWC Garialtari under Jharaltagram- I GP within Dhupguri Development Block under MGNREGS and BCWD convergence scheme"

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