You have searched for zilla-parishad in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

16601 Construction of Cement Concrete road from the House of Meherban Master towards Ghosh Para I.C.D.S at Choa Ghoshpara village under Choa GP.
16602 Repair of road from the house of Chmotkar towards house of Aktar sk via house of Muktar Sk at Nazirpur Purbopara village under Choa GP.
16603 Construction of concrete Road from house of Kalo Bagdi to Masjittala of the Fund 14th F.C 2017-18
TRN : 515974 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of concrete road from house of kalo bagdi to masjittala of the fund 14th f.c 2017-18
16604 Construction of conc. Road from house of Haru Pal to house of Jagabandhu Kha at Uchchagram Dharmarajtala under Uchchagram G.P through 14 Th F.C.
16605 Construction of Concrete Road from Sonatan Bagdi to Trasfroma at Singpur
TRN : 515976 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of concrete road from sonatan bagdi to trasfroma at singpur
16606 Construction of culvert at Singpur.
TRN : 515977 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of culvert at singpur.
16607 Construction of culvert near Bandhi at Horipur
TRN : 515978 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of culvert near bandhi at horipur
16608 Construction of pacca drain from house of Sk Sajahan to house ofSk Soukat at Purandargarh under Uchchagram G.P through 14 Th F.C.
16609 Construction of conc. Road with drain from Ghat of Mosdighi to Durgatala at Bonsujapur under Uchchagram G.P through 14 Th F.C.
16610 Construction of pacca drain from south side of Mollapukur to Kandar at Goligram under Uchchagram G.P through 14 Th F.C.

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