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6871 tender for HIGH DRAIN SL NO 01
TRN : 728617 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for tender for high drain sl no 01
6872 Erection of street light on existing PCC Pole at different Sansad under Dafarpur G.P , Raghunathganj-1 Panchayat Samity.(Phase-01). NIT NO.- DGP/ELEC./2019-20/02, SL NO.-06, FUND - 14TH FC "
6873 Construction of cement concrete road from Ashid Sk's house to Muyurakshi River Bank at village Bhastor under Kururnurur G.P in Burwan Block, Msd. [Repair & maintenance of rural roads Fund Rs. 27.30 lakh]
6874 Construction of drain from shop of Panchanan Dhara towards Mudikhana shop at Ramnarayanpur under Talpur Gram Panchayat under PBG IBRD fund of the year 2019 - 20. (GPDP Sl. No. - 01)
6875 Repairing of roads, construction of Sl No 03
TRN : 728618 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for repairing of roads, construction of sl no 03
6876 Erection of street light on existing PCC Pole at different Sansad under Dafarpur G.P , Raghunathganj-1 Panchayat Samity.(Phase-02). NIT NO.- DGP/ELEC./2019-20/02, SL NO.-05, FUND - 14TH FC "
6877 Repairing of UJJU Khana,Varandah,roads and water facilities Sl No 02
TRN : 728619 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 5.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for repairing of ujju khana,varandah,roads and water facilities sl no 02
6878 Erection of High Mase Pole at Charka Mazar,Purba Charka under under Dafarpur G.P , Raghunathganj-1 Panchayat Samity.(16.00m). NIT NO.- DGP/ELEC./2019-20/02, SL NO.-04, FUND - 14TH FC "
6879 tender for Boundary wall Sl No 01
TRN : 728620 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for tender for boundary wall sl no 01
6880 Erection of street light (High Mase Pole) at Dafarpur Ghatpara under under Dafarpur G.P , Raghunathganj-1 Panchayat Samity.(12.5m). NIT NO.- DGP/ELEC./2019-20/02, SL NO.-03, FUND - 14TH FC "

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