229Maintenance and repair For Two Years of Yelapane Loni Vyanknath Paregaon Belwandi Kothar to Deulgaon Road (MDR 60) Km 0-00 to 25-00 Tal. Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar
Ahmednagar - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
44.14 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
230Maintenance and repair to for Two Years Ukkadgaon Yelpane Chimbhale Madhe Wadgaon Shrigonda Station Limpangaon Ajnuj Road (MDR 59) Km. 0-00 to 22-00. Tal. Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar (Pot Hole Filling And Allied Works)
Ahmednagar - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
41.50 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department