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461 Heightening of Cement Concrete Road and Drain at Saratpally, Ward No.- 18, starting from Road junction near Paradise Lodge beside the house of Gopal Sen, Subhas Ghosh upto the house of Sukhen Das under Katwa Municipality, Katwa, Purba Bardhaman.
462 Heightening of Cement Concrete Road and Drain at Circus Maidan, Ward No.- 18, starting from Sree Durga Press (behind Ashirbad Lodge) beside the house of Jagannath Pal, Ramprasad Chatterjee, Dr. Madhab ghosh, Naru sen, Purnendu Goshwami, Fashion house (road junction), h/o Suman Sarkar, Tapas Malik, Debdut Ghosh Tilak Pati Das upto Station Bazar Road junction near Grocery shop of Gokul Dey under Katwa Municipality, Katwa, Purba Bardhaman.
463 Heightening of Cement Concrete Road and Drain at Kachari Road, Ward No.- 18, starting from Kachari Road junction near Binapani Library upto Station Road junction opposite to Lilabati furniture under Katwa Municipality, Katwa, Purba Bardhaman.
464 Heightening of Cement Concrete Road and Drain at Rabindrapally, Ward No.- 18, starting from the house of Sanjoy Saha, besideJanakilal School, house of Subrata Mukherjee, Suman Sarkar, Durga Temple upto the house of Kinkar Mukherjee under Katwa Municipality, Katwa, Purba Bardhaman.
465 Heightening of existing Bituminous Road (with Stone Dust & Metal) & Drain (with Cement Concrete) at Collegepara, Ward No.- 03, starting from the house of Bangendu Hazra upto the house of Dilip Pal (Near Target Lodge) under Katwa Municipality, Katwa, Purba Bardhaman.
466 Construction of 01 No. Gents and 01 No. Ladies toilet near football ground of Amritnagar Colliery under KNT Area.
TRN : 764054 |  Bardhaman - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for construction of 01 no. gents and 01 no. ladies toilet near football ground of amritnagar colliery under knt area.
467 Coal loading into wagons by payloader at MS Siding under JK Nagar Colliery,Satgram Area during FY 2020-21
TRN : 760485 |  Bardhaman - West Bengal
Contract Value : 56.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for coal loading into wagons by payloader at ms siding under jk nagar colliery,satgram area during fy 2020-21
468 Transportation of Coal from tippler to ground stock, Pure Searsole Colliery/ MS Siding and loading and transporting from Ground stock to MS Siding during FY 2020-21
469 Coal into wagons by payloader at Nimcha Railway Siding under Nimcha Colliery,Satgram Area during FY 2020-21
TRN : 760488 |  Bardhaman - West Bengal
Contract Value : 38.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for coal into wagons by payloader at nimcha railway siding under nimcha colliery,satgram area during fy 2020-21
470 Coal transportation from Tippler 4 pit/7pit/8 pit Nimcha Colliery to Nimcha Railway Siding and no.4 pit to Boiler no.3 pit Nimcha, Satgram Area during FY 2020-21

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