42Supply and delivery of CIDF pipe as per IS 1536 - 2001 for Socket & Spigot pipes and IS: 7181 - 1986 for Double Flanged pipes Respectively & Specials as per IS: 1538-1993 for Rampur OHR under central sector part-lI project surface water supply scheme under Berhampore Division-I ,P.H.E. Dte.
Berhampur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
22.66 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
44Construction of Cement Concrete Road from Rabi Pramanik House toward PMGSY Pitch Road at Kadamati under Rajdharpara G.P. Mouza:-Rajdharpara, J.L. No-73, AAP No-(Page no-47,Sl No-42)/2019-20.
Berhampur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
6.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
48Construction of masonry Field Channel at Kumarimaniktala Major R.L.I Scheme under Hanskhali (A-M) Sub-Division in convergence programme with MGNREGA .
Berhampur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
12.04 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department