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111 Package No.2. Road-A - Sampur to NH-57 via Brajamohanpur. Road - B -Rajasunakhala-Dhalapathar Road (Arikama) to Koadabareni via Kosalasuni, Road - C - Gadamanitri RD road to Barabati PWD road vide college and Ramachandi temple
112 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of HVAC system (Air-conditioning work) of Tech Tower, Bhubaneswar.
TRN : 777444 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.42 Crore | Agency Name : Infrastructure Development Copr. Ltd.
Tender award for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of hvac system (air-conditioning work) of tech tower, bhubaneswar.
113 Laying of distribution water Supply pipe line for Implementation of 24x7 Water Supply under Drink from Tap Mission with 24x7 Water supply at Sahidnagar area in Ward No.30, BMC, Bhubaneswar
114 Reclamation of Namarakani Pond at Patrapada in ward no-65.
TRN : 776711 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.89 Crore | Agency Name : Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation
Tender award for reclamation of namarakani pond at patrapada in ward no-65.
115 Repair Maintenance of Gate, Hoist of Bodahata HR, HR of Chennua minor, Jalachhatra HR, Jogeswarpur Minor, Kandalpur CR, CR of Kanti Disty. At RD 8.250, Narasinghapur Minor, Sarat Sasan Minor HR, Soilipur CR Under EE, Nimapada Irr. Division
116 Handling of Lubricants at IOC Lube Depot Chattia
TRN : 777011 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 23.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for handling of lubricants at ioc lube depot chattia
117 Construction of Road and drain from Sishu Vihar Culvert to Sishu Vihar Main Road via Plot No.414/2 of Bajaranga Vihar in Ward No. 6
118 (X) Fabrication, supply, transportation and erection of sluice gate at Nilachalbazar at RD 16.545KM of Mahanadi left embankment under Executive Engineer, Kendrapara Irrigation Division, Kendrapara for 2019-20.
119 Repair Maintenance of Gate, Hoist of Sluice near village Etakud of Davar Santrash T. R. Embankment, RD 72.100km Sikhar Sluice of Devi Right Embankment, Drainage Syphon at Pradhansahi ,Drainage Syphon at Tampaghai Under EE, Nimapada Irr. Divn
120 Repair, Maintenance of Gate, Hoist of Bhandaria MIP, Gajatota MIP, Jayamangal MIP, Tirimala MIP, Parsuabandha MIP, Left Scouring Sluice gates of Siko MIP under EE, Minor Irrigation Division, Khordha for the year 2019-20.

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