You have searched for bhubneshwar-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

961 Construction of CC road from Sumanta Das House towards Patra Sahi via Binayak Vihar Primary school in Ward No.10
962 Construction of R.C.C Drain with cover slab from Mumtaz Ali Road to Keshari Builder compound of Jadupur village near Dumduma, Bhubaneswar for the year 2018-19
963 Dismentalling of all Asbesttos PSH and Construction of new PSH at Gopapur
TRN : 597860 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Scheduled Caste And Scheduled Tribe
Tender award for dismentalling of all asbesttos psh and construction of new psh at gopapur
964 Supply of Hot or Cold Appliances and misc items for Living Shelters and Cook Houses
TRN : 599964 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 7.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for supply of hot or cold appliances and misc items for living shelters and cook houses
965 Constn. of 6nos. of toilets and 1no. dining hall STGH and STBH and 1no. bath room with toilet complex PSH at Ushra colony SS under Kuarmunda block
966 Dismentalling of Asbesstoss PSH and Constn. of new PSH building at Dolakudar in Lathikata block
TRN : 595502 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 17.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Integrated Tribal Development Agency
Tender award for dismentalling of asbesstoss psh and constn. of new psh building at dolakudar in lathikata block
967 Dismentalling of all Asbesttos PSH and Construction of new PSH at Dumerta.
TRN : 597861 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.85 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Scheduled Caste And Scheduled Tribe
Tender award for dismentalling of all asbesttos psh and construction of new psh at dumerta.
968 Supply of Construction Materials for 01 x ORL Shelters, 02 x Store Shelter, 01 x OJL, 01 x CHDH at F.O.R Walong and 01 x SLS at F.O.R Anini in 2 Mtn Div Sector
969 Procurement and Installation of Modern Scientifical and Electronic Instruments for Operation and Maintenance of Satiguda Dam , Upper Kolab Project , Odisha under DRIP
970 CMMS from Palasa TMO to Odava SO
TRN : 599328 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 22.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Posts
Tender award for cmms from palasa tmo to odava so

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