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901 Up-gradation and some repairing and maintaince of C type block no 01 ( 04 units) at Parascole complex under Kajora Area
TRN : 723143 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for up-gradation and some repairing and maintaince of c type block no 01 ( 04 units) at parascole complex under kajora area
902 Repairing and maintenance of 10 units NHS (SS) block (Block no. 004) at Madhusudanpur colliery under Kajora area.(Total inside 06 units)
903 Repairing and maintenance of 04 units B-type quarter (D/S) block no 002 at Madhujore colliery under Kajora Area
TRN : 723145 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 5.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of 04 units b-type quarter (d/s) block no 002 at madhujore colliery under kajora area
904 Repairing and maintenance of 05 nos NHS block (Block no 34, 36,45,51 and 52) at 3 and 4 no. pit and 7 no. pit in Madhusudanpur colliery under Kajora area.(Total 32 units, inside 27 units)
905 Repairing and maintenance of 05 nos NHS block (Block no 15 16 17 18 and 25) at 3 and 4 no pit in Madhusudanpur colliery under Kajora area (Total 40 units inside 25 units)
906 Repairing and maintenance of 16 units NHS block ( block no. 30 (D/S)) at Madhusudanpur colliery under Kajora area ( inside 14 units)
907 Providing and laying pre-cast paver block along MUV route for CM Panel at MIC under Jhanjra Area
TRN : 723149 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.24 Crore | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for providing and laying pre-cast paver block along muv route for cm panel at mic under jhanjra area
908 Supplying of drinking water through 1200 liter capacity water tanker from Lalmatia to Urjanagar.
TRN : 723150 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 12.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for supplying of drinking water through 1200 liter capacity water tanker from lalmatia to urjanagar.
909 Construction of 13 (Thirteen) Nos 0.50m Thick Sectionalization Stopping at Bankola (RVII) Seam Sankalpa Khani of Bankola Colliery
910 One Time advanced Roof support by Roof Bolting at Proposed Stowing Panel RVII/S4 at RVII Seam, Sankalpa Khani incline of Bankola Colliery

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