You have searched for chandrapur-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1161 Repairing of 01 (one) no. submersible pump motor set type P-103, Sl. No. PP38055, 415V, 120HP, 100Mtr Head x 800 GPM discharge having 200 mm dia outlet of IWSS, Lingaraj Area MCL.
1162 Repair and maintenance of Dr. Ambedkar Park, South Balanda under Jagannath Area.
TRN : 623772 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenance of dr. ambedkar park, south balanda under jagannath area.
1163 Supply and Laying of cable for connection of 02 (Two) Nos of 33kV O/H Line and Laying of cable for 07 (Seven) Nos of 3.3kV O/H Line of Feeders 01, 02 and 04 for Railway Electrification Work from DLB Siding to NTPC siding, LOCP, Lingaraj area.
1164 Hiring of 03 no. Air Conditioned 7 seater (6 plus 1) Hard Top diesel jeep or equivalent SUV, max 3000 Km run per month, 12 hrs duty for two year (341 days per year) for SOCP, IB Valley Area.
1165 Annual contract for collection, loading and unloading / stacking of store materials for a period of 02(two) years at Jagannath colliery under Jagannath Area.
1166 Construction of main approach road from Bouri Para rehab to NH-60(length 700 meter) alongwith 01 no RCC Box Culvert under Khottadih OCP, Pandaveswar Area.
1167 Civil work for installation of man-riding system at Tawa-II mine of Pathakhera Area
TRN : 623820 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 49.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for civil work for installation of man-riding system at tawa-ii mine of pathakhera area
1168 Drilling of 10 nos. NX size upward boreholes in underground lower 8A2 seam to 10B upper seam for proofing the water logged area in upper seam for obtaining depillaring permission in lower seam from DGMS at Rajnagar RO Colliery
1169 Hiring of 01 No 10 Te Diesel Operated Truck for a period of 03 years at Jagannathpur OCP,Bhatgaon Area.
TRN : 623830 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 21.32 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for hiring of 01 no 10 te diesel operated truck for a period of 03 years at jagannathpur ocp,bhatgaon area.
1170 Making Gents toilet near Sampling room at BOCM of PSA CHA.
TRN : 624220 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making gents toilet near sampling room at bocm of psa cha.

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