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1411 Offloading works by outside agency for repairing of superstructure, testing, repairing of grid box, RHS platform, RHS railings, mirror stand, FR mud guard, battery box, Electrical wiring of electrical panel etc. of Dumper Sl.No. D-234
1412 Brooming and mopping of floor at Manoranjan Kendra Officers club and health club in Sasti township under Sasti Sub Area.
TRN : 577517 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for brooming and mopping of floor at manoranjan kendra officers club and health club in sasti township under sasti sub area.
1413 Offloading works by outside agency for repairing of superstructure, testing, repairing of grid box, RHS platform, RHS railings, mirror stand, FR mud guard, battery box, Electrical wiring of electrical panel etc. of Dumper Sl.No. D-234
1414 Annual maintenance of different sheds, office building and compound wall at campus of P and H, drill, Dozer section, MTK and canteen west part of mine of Gevra Project
1415 Offloading works by outside agency for repairing of superstructure, testing, repairing of grid box, RHS platform, RHS railings, mirror stand, FR mud guard, battery box, Electrical wiring of electrical panel etc. of Dumper Sl.No. D-234
1416 Procurement of Spares for Kirloskar Make Pump Model RKB 150x34K
TRN : 577519 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of spares for kirloskar make pump model rkb 150x34k
1417 Annual maintenance of Khusrudih substation building, Dozer section, MTK and canteen East part of mine of Gevra Project
TRN : 597798 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.69 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for annual maintenance of khusrudih substation building, dozer section, mtk and canteen east part of mine of gevra project
1418 Hiring of one no AC Ambulance, 100 km per day with two drivers for 24 hour duty for two year, 365 days per year
TRN : 577523 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for hiring of one no ac ambulance, 100 km per day with two drivers for 24 hour duty for two year, 365 days per year
1419 Complete repairing of Control Panel and Field Switch of IDM70 drill 615127 of Mungoli OCM includes replacement of Bus bar, complete wiring and fitting all fuses and relays
1420 Operation of valves of water supply system and control of overflow of water at Sasti township under Sasti Sub Area
TRN : 577518 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for operation of valves of water supply system and control of overflow of water at sasti township under sasti sub area

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