1532Shifting of existing electrical sub station inside mine to another nearby work place at Durgapur extension deep OC project of Durgapur sub area of Chandrapur Area.
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited
1538Hiring of 1 no. Light motor vehicle like Tata Sumo/Bolero or any equivalent vehicle with taxi permit on 16 Hrs basis, 100KM per day running for the period of Two Years(682 Days) for use under Mining department Neeljai Sub Area with provision of 2DR
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
19.01 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited
1539Construction of 2 no Air crossing for proper and standard ventilation of pro-posed development district panel J bottom section at BC 3 and 4 Pits under BSA
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.39 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited