533Transportation and loading of Coal from coal stockyard No.3 of Pouni-II Expansion OCM to New CHP Bunker 33/48 No. of Sasti OC Expansion Mine and New CHP of Sasti OCM to New Sasti Railway Siding.
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
2.79 Crore |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited
535Loading of Coal into Wagons at New Sasti Railway Siding of Ballarpur Area, Loading of ROM/Mixed coal into Road sale trucks at Sasti Expn. OCM and Loading of Coal into tippers/trucks at Sasti Colliery of Ballarpur Area.
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.96 Crore |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited
537Dust suppression on road surface by mobile tanker from Railway siding junction to workshop gate and approaches to WB no. 2 and 3 and road along Railway siding of Sasti OCM under Sasti Sub Area
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
5.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited