You have searched for chatra-jharkhand- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

151 Providing tiles in toilets in 20 nos. C type qtrs. In sur vihar colony under Ashok Project.
TRN : 733780 |  Chatra - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 10.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing tiles in toilets in 20 nos. c type qtrs. in sur vihar colony under ashok project.
152 Provision of stone pitching for preventing of unwanted entry of snake Scorpio etc near type quarter at Sur Vihar Colony under Ashok Project.
153 Construction of First AID Room under Amrapali Project of Magadh-Amrapali Area
TRN : 734116 |  Chatra - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 24.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for construction of first aid room under amrapali project of magadh-amrapali area
154 Strengthening of road from culvert no. 02 towards weigh bridge no. 08/09 (Length 390m) under Amrapali Project of Magadh Amrapali Area
155 PCC pavement ground weigh bridge supporting wall, stair case and drain near in motion weigh bridge and repalacement of damaged AC sheet roofing and repair of check post near weigh bridge under Kathara Washery
156 Replacement of LT Conductor by ABC Cable (95 Sqmm X 3, 70 Sqmm X 1, 16 Sqmm X 1) in BOCM Colony power supply / Street light arrangement under GM Unit, Piparwar Area
157 Providing and Fixing of Load cell (12 No.) and Digitizer (1 No.) along with Installation and Commissioning of Portable weighbridge No. 9 at Rajdhar Siding under Piparwar Project of Piparwar Area
158 Revival of ILL connectivity through wireless radio link from Area Office to Sangam Vihar and other residential colonies under Piparwar Area
159 Provision of bath, urinal room for canteen building under Ashok Project.
TRN : 725154 |  Chatra - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for provision of bath, urinal room for canteen building under ashok project.
160 Repair and maintenance of 24 units MQ DS qtrs for block no. F to H each 03 nos. at IRB colony at Bachra under GM Unit Piparwar Area.

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