1042Improvements works including upkeeping for a period of 60 months in Chennai City Roads (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km.8/3-9/7 (LS) (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3768)
B. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 8/3 - 9/7 (RS) (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3769)
C. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 24/0 - 25/0 (RS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3770) D. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 24/0 - 25/0 (LS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3771) E. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 25/0 - 26/0 (LS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3772)
F. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 25/0 - 26/0 (RS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3773)
G. Improvements to Riding Quality of service roads in Anna flyover in GST Road (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3774)
H. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 6/8-7/2 (LS&RS) (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3780)
I. Improvements to Riding Quality at km 1/8 - 2/4 of GST Road (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3781)
J. Improvements to the wearing coat of Marmalong bridge at Km. 9/7 - 10/0 (LS & RS) of GST Road (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3782)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
10.92 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
1045Improvements, Construction of Drain, Footpath,Paver blocks Works including upkeeping in Tambaram (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road at Km 0 / 0 -- 0 / 300 Including Providing Paver Block, Footpath and Drain(MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1893)
B) Improvements of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road at Km 0 / 300 -- 0 / 6 including providing paver block and footpath (MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1894)
C) Improvements of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road at Km 0 / 6 -- 0 / 900 including paver block and footpath(MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-0946)
D) Improvements of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road at Km 0 / 900 -- 1 / 2 including Paver Block and Footpath(MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-0947)
E) Construction Drain at Km 3 / 4 -- 3 / 610 of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road including Footpath(MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-0947) F) Construction Drain at Km 3 / 610 -- 3 / 820 of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road including Footpath(MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-0947) G) Construction Drain at Km 3 / 820 -- 4 / 030 of Agarandhan -- Kovilanchery Road including footpath (MD 566) (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-0947)
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
12.03 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
1046Improvements works including upkeeping for a period of 60 months in Chennai City Roads (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km.8/3-9/7 (LS) (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3768)
B. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 8/3 - 9/7 (RS) (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3769)
C. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 24/0 - 25/0 (RS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3770) D. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 24/0 - 25/0 (LS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3771) E. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 25/0 - 26/0 (LS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3772)
F. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 25/0 - 26/0 (RS) (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3773)
G. Improvements to Riding Quality of service roads in Anna flyover in GST Road (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3774)
H. Improvements to Riding Quality of GST Road from Km. 6/8-7/2 (LS&RS) (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3780)
I. Improvements to Riding Quality at km 1/8 - 2/4 of GST Road (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3781)
J. Improvements to the wearing coat of Marmalong bridge at Km. 9/7 - 10/0 (LS & RS) of GST Road (SHU88) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3782)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
10.92 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
1047Improvements, Construction of Macro Drain Formation of Service Road works including upkeeping in Tambaram (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Construction of Macro Drain at Km 5/535 - 5/575 of Marmlong Bridge - Irumbuliyur -Vandalur -Mudichur -Oragadam - Walajabad Road (SH 48 ) (01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- S -- 0039)
B) Construction of Macro Drain at Km 5/575 -5/620 of Marmlong Bridge - Irumbuliyur -Vandalur -Mudichur -Oragadam - Walajabad Road (SH 48 ) (01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- S -- 0040)
C) Formation of service road at Km 8/6 --9/0 of Marmlong Bridge - Irumbuliyur -Vandalur -Mudichur -Oragadam - Walajabad Road (SH 48 ) (01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- S -- 0008)
D) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 0/6 - 2/6 (LS) of Taramani Link Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- I -- 3782)
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.59 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
1048Widening, Improvements, Curve Widening, Constructuion of Minor Bridge, Drain, Footpath, Junction Improvement works including
Upkeeping for a period of 60 months in Chennai City Roads & Tambaram (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A)Construction Minor Bridge at Km 1 / 8 of Pallavaram -- Thiruneermalai -- Thirumudivakkam Road (MD 1163) ( 01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- O -- 0939)
B) Widening from Two lane to Four lane and Improvements of Tambaram - Somangalam - Nandambakkam Road at km 0/6 - 0/900 including Construction of Drain Cum
Footpath (MD1164) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months ( 01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- M -- 0934)
C) Improvements of Curve at Km 4 / 8 -- 5 / 2 Tambaram - Mudichur - Sriperumbudur Road (SH110) including Widening, junction Improvements and upkeeping for a period of 60 months ( 01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- S -- 0004)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.09 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
1049Widening, Improvements, Curve Widening, Constructuion of Minor Bridge, Drain, Footpath, Junction Improvement works including
Upkeeping for a period of 60 months in Chennai City Roads & Tambaram (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A)Construction Minor Bridge at Km 1 / 8 of Pallavaram -- Thiruneermalai -- Thirumudivakkam Road (MD 1163) ( 01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- O -- 0939)
B) Widening from Two lane to Four lane and Improvements of Tambaram - Somangalam - Nandambakkam Road at km 0/6 - 0/900 including Construction of Drain Cum
Footpath (MD1164) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months ( 01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- M -- 0934)
C) Improvements of Curve at Km 4 / 8 -- 5 / 2 Tambaram - Mudichur - Sriperumbudur Road (SH110) including Widening, junction Improvements and upkeeping for a period of 60 months ( 01 -- CRIDP -- 19 -- 20 -- S -- 0004)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.09 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
1050Improvements, Construction of drain including footpath in Chennai City Roads (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 3/2 - 3/8 (LS&RS) & service road at km 3/8 - 4/2 of GNT Road (SHU87) (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3778)
B) Construction of Drain at km 8/0 - 8/3 (RS) of GST Road including footpath (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0042)
C) Construction of Drain at km 8/6 -8/9 of GST Road including footpath (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0065)
D) Construction of Drain at km 8/3 -8/6 of GST Road including footpath (SHU88) (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0066)
E) Construction of Protective wall & Providing paver block to the Vyasarapadi under pass at Km.4/4 of GNT Road (SHU87) (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0049)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.83 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department