1362Improvement to Narua- Mangalpur-Nadiabarei D.C from RD 17.00 km to 34.00 km and its Link Drain (Gahagapata D.C.) outfalling D.C. at 17.00 km near Nadiabarei under Doab-III
Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value :
92.04 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1366Shifting of 11KV /33KV/LT Line along with related sub-station and Cut Points approches from DECO chhak to Kutapurtinagar on Tomka Mangalpur road (Part-H)in the District of Jajpur for the year 2018-19.
Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value :
77.30 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
1369(3) Renovation of left bank canal service road of Disty No.15 from RD.00 to RD.2.700Km and Disty No.15(A) from RD.00 to RD.2.700Km under RCER (2018-19) (Working RD Disty No.15 from RD.00 to RD.2.915 and for Disty No.15(A) from RD.00 to RD.2.368Km
Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value :
66.07 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
1370Shifting of 11KV /33KV/LT Line along with related sub-station and Cut Points approches from Tisco Bazar to Balasore alloys on Tomka Mangalpur road (Part-G)in the District of Jajpur for the year 2018-19.
Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value :
75.12 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department