757Supply & delivery of Standard Deep well ( IM - II ) Hand Pump Spares, as per IS : 15500 / 2004 including 12mm dia Connecting Rod, Cylinders & Pump Assemble etc for repairing of IM-II Hand Pump installed in the RBTW(Spot Source) in the district of Darjeeling(plains), Jalpaiguri and Alipurduar
Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value :
47.13 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
760Construction of CC drain from the house of Harilal Singha to Khemchi River at Bahgilram Simana within Naxalbari G.P. Under Naxalbari Panchayat samity.
Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value :
70.5 Thousand |Agency Name :
District Magistrate