413UT-02-46 Construction of Kapkot to Pindari Glacier, MR km 18Km to Mikila Khal Pata L048-Stage-1 AND UT-02-65 Construction and Maintenance (5years) of Kapkot to Pindari Glacier, MR km 18Km to Mikila Khal Pata L048,Stage-II
Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value :
13.46 Crore |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
417Construction of 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-7, 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-9 (XS-8/26-8/28) and 24 Mtr span steel truss at km-9 (XS-8/38-8/40) of Supi to Jhuni. (WAPCOS) UT-02-15, UT-02-16, UT-02-17,
Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value :
4.28 Crore |Agency Name :
Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency