232Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Transformer, LT switch gears, Bus duct, Cabling and Allied works at LPG Bottling Plant, Durgapur, West Bengal 713201
Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.16 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
238Crushing of 26 L.Te all dimension coal in to (-) 100 mm size by Hiring of Mobile Crusher, including loading of Coal into Tippers by Pay Loader near Coal Stockyard of Jambad OCP under Kajora Area.
Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
4.39 Crore |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
239Repair and maintenance of CI/DI main water supply pipe line and Replacement of CI sluice valve, lead joint at Kendra miners quarter colony area under Kendra colliery, Pandaveswar Area.
Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.06 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.