You have searched for faridabad-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

441 Engagement of consultant for study on market mechanism for increasing peaking mode operation of Hydropower Projects including business analysis and mathematical modeling and report submission
442 Development of ramp for disabled employees/ persons for easy accessibility in Canteen Building, Central Library, Jyoti Sadan and Neer Shakti Sadan in NHPC Office Complex, Faridabad
443 Supply of Shouldary Double Fly Tents and Kabul Pal Tents
TRN : 534764 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.21 Crore | Agency Name : Central Ground Water Board
Tender award for supply of shouldary double fly tents and kabul pal tents
TRN : 575843 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 5.29 Lacs | Agency Name : National Council For Cement And Building Materials
Tender award for probe sonicator
445 Supply, Erection, Testing n Commissioning of 1 (One) No. 50 MVA, 11/220 kV, Three Phase Generator Step Up (GSU) Transformer for TLD-IV Power Station
TRN : 531716 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.17 Crore | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply, erection, testing n commissioning of 1 (one) no. 50 mva, 11/220 kv, three phase generator step up (gsu) transformer for tld-iv power station
446 Comprehensive Onsite Maintenance and Support for Radware Server Load Balancer
TRN : 531717 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 7.39 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for comprehensive onsite maintenance and support for radware server load balancer
447 work of AMC FOR Siemens KTS EPBAX
TRN : 529934 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 22.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for work of amc for siemens kts epbax
448 Subscription of IHS Markit Engineering Work Bench (EWB) on yearly basis
TRN : 527856 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 11.42 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for subscription of ihs markit engineering work bench (ewb) on yearly basis
449 Revamp of Air Conditioning System of Hydro-processing Pilot Plant and ETL Building at IOCL ,R AND D Centre, Faridabad
TRN : 522281 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 6.03 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for revamp of air conditioning system of hydro-processing pilot plant and etl building at iocl ,r and d centre, faridabad
450 Transportation of Lube Oil Tanks (ODC) from IOCL, Nasik to IOCL, Lube Plant, Asaoti, Faridabad (Haryana) as per scope of work and as per tender terms conditions.

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