You have searched for faridabad-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

51 Outsourcing Work Sweeping, Cleaning, Housekeeping, Scrubbing, Buffing, Vacuum Cleaning and Horticulture work in GITI Fatehpur Billoch
TRN : 790205 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 5.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Translational Health Science And Technology Institute
Tender award for sitc of electroporation unit
53 Construction of 1 No.220KV SF6 Breaker Foundation CGL Make and 6 Nos 66KV Breaker ABB Make Foundation at 220KV SubStation Palla
54 Providing post Ind AS Implementation Consultancy Services for preparation of Ind AS Compliant Financial Statement
TRN : 790214 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 13.15 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing post ind as implementation consultancy services for preparation of ind as compliant financial statement
55 Construction of record room boundary wall providing interlocking tile and toilet cum office renovation work in SDO office OP Tilpat
56 Bullet Proofing of JCBs Model 2015 Cabin with Air Conditioning
TRN : 790239 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 17.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Border Security Force
Tender award for bullet proofing of jcbs model 2015 cabin with air conditioning
57 Dismantlement, repair and construction of Boundary Wall at 66 KV S/Stn Colony Palwal
TRN : 789501 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 5.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Board Corporation
Tender award for dismantlement, repair and construction of boundary wall at 66 kv s/stn colony palwal
58 Supply of Pick and CARRY Mobile Crane 12T capacity
TRN : 788558 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 77.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of pick and carry mobile crane 12t capacity
59 Dismantling of ACC sheet Roofing and Providing RC Slab on Attendance shed for safai Karamchari at New Fire Station NIT, Phawra Singh Chowk, Near Lakhani Dharmshala, Tikona Park Boosting and one No. for Sewerman in ward No.11 and 12 NIT
60 Annual Repair of Link Road from village Faridabad to Kheri Kalan Road Id-675 year 2019-20
TRN : 788872 |  Faridabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Board Corporation
Tender award for annual repair of link road from village faridabad to kheri kalan road id-675 year 2019-20

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