You have searched for fazilka-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 S/Errection street light in Shayama Parshad Mukhrjee colony
TRN : 823272 |  Fazilka - Punjab
Contract Value : 22.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for s/errection street light in shayama parshad mukhrjee colony
32 Fazilka Hindumal Kot Road From Km 10.52 to 20.00 (5.50M) = 9.48 KM including Maintenance of Road for 5 Year (One year Defects Liability Period + Four Year Maintenance Period).
33 Construction of DIET Building at Village Korian Wali Distt Fazilka
TRN : 776584 |  Fazilka - Punjab
Contract Value : 4.20 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of diet building at village korian wali distt fazilka
34 Purchase of Street Light Material
TRN : 775529 |  Fazilka - Punjab
Contract Value : 24.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for purchase of street light material
35 Sweeping Zone No 2 (SBM FUND) Estimate Cost 17.07 Lakh (Contract Profit)
TRN : 851231 |  Fazilka - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for sweeping zone no 2 (sbm fund) estimate cost 17.07 lakh (contract profit)
36 Strengtheing of Abohar Hindumalkot Road km 1.94 to 2.64 and 3.00 to 7.00 and 21.57 to 26.16 under head 3054 SH M and R including Maintenance of road for 5 year 1 year defect liability plus 4 year maintenance period
37 Patch work on Malout Shri Ganganagar Road KM 24.00 to 40.60 SH16 and Patch work on Abohar Sitogunno Dabwali road from km 0.00 to 2.30 District Fazilka
38 Strengthening of Malout Sri Ganganagar Road Rd 20.90 to 23.10 Km Total 02.20 Km including Maintenance of Road for 5 Year One year Defects liability Period Four Year Maintenance Period Under Head 5054 RB10 District Fazilka
39 Strengthening of Fazilka Kawwa wali Via Gajju Hasta Road km 0.00 to 9.25 under head 3054 including Maintenance of road for 5 year 1 year defect liability plus 4 year maintenance period District Fazilka
40 Collection and loading of JHARFOOS for year 2020-21 from the Main Grain Mandi and Purchase Center under the notified Area of MC Jalalabad (W)The contract will be applicable for 12 Months (01-04-2020 to 31-03-2021).

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