13Providing Public Health Amenities(Internal & Estate) system in Govt. Degree College Mohkam Khan Wala, Block Ghall Khurd, Distt. Ferozepur(under Deposit Work). Providing & Installing Air Conditioning System etc. Complete in all respects.
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
4.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department
16Outsourcing for maint and upkeep of Md/OTM Accn conservancy and House keeping services (LDC/DEO, Ferro Printer, Mali/Gardener and conservancy staff) for MES Offices and Installations of HQ CWE and GE (East) under GE (E) Fzr cantt
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
36.89 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
20Provn of MT Store shed for 10 Med Regt in Q Zone, Provn of POL Stores and DDT preparation room at SHO (L) Ferozepur Cantt and Spl repair to block No NP-09 at 161 (I) Fd Wksp Coy (EME) at N Zone under GE (East) Cantt.
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
36.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services