215Periodical repair Of Ferozesah Kulgarhi Road Km. 0.00 9.38 FZRODR 8 District Ferozepur including Maintenance of Road for3 Year One year Defects Liability Period Two Year Maintenance Period
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.40 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
216Perodical repair of Talwandi Karmiti road Km. 0.00 1.80 1.80 Kms FZR ODR07 Distt Ferozepur including Maintenance of Road for 3Year One year Defects Liability Period Two Year Maintenance Period
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
47.06 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
217Periodical repair of Wakha Mour to Wakha Chowki Km 0.00 1.85 FZRODR 05 Distt Ferozepur including Maintenance of Road for 5 Year One year Defects Liability Period Four Year Maintenance Period
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
98.13 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
218Octroi Post to Mallwal road Km 0.0 03.61 3.61 Km Distt. Ferozepur including Maintenance of Road for 5 Year One year Defects Liability Period Four Year Maintenance Period
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.13 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department