You have searched for firozabad-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 Tender Inviting Authority: Executive Engineer U.P State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd
TRN : 647134 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender inviting authority: executive engineer u.p state construction and infrastructure development corporation ltd
102 contract for inter looking
TRN : 647137 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for contract for inter looking
103 contract for betu minas
TRN : 647141 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 17.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Tender award for contract for betu minas
104 05/22 ATS Bewar, Mainpuri (Balance Work of - Dormitory Block-B
TRN : 630542 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.15 Crore | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for 05/22 ats bewar, mainpuri (balance work of - dormitory block-b
105 04/22 ATS Bewar, Mainpuri (Balance Work of Sanitary and Water Supply Dormitory Block-B
TRN : 630544 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 25.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for 04/22 ats bewar, mainpuri (balance work of sanitary and water supply dormitory block-b
106 Name of Work:- ATS Bewar, Mainpuri
TRN : 626875 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 19.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for name of work:- ats bewar, mainpuri
TRN : 608577 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 21.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Elections Department
Tender award for voter guide printing work
TRN : 608578 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 13.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Elections Department
Tender award for voter slip printing
109 The Establishment of Wood base Cremation Plant at Shamshan Ghat on Jaleshar Road (Near Monark Hotel) in Block Firozabad
TRN : 587541 |  Firozabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 59.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for the establishment of wood base cremation plant at shamshan ghat on jaleshar road (near monark hotel) in block firozabad
110 FOR A. Construction of Interlocking From Pakka Road to Prahalad Singh House, at Vill. Laddupur Chakarpur, Block Firozabad, B. Construction of Interlocking From Vill. Fatehpur Anandipur Lohari Road to Kallu Gurjars House, Block Firozabad.

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