You have searched for gadhinlaj-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Providing Labours for Cleaning of gutters and collection of waste and sludge from ward no. 1 to 9
TRN : 775488 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing labours for cleaning of gutters and collection of waste and sludge from ward no. 1 to 9
22 Providing service for Daily Sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 6
TRN : 775489 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing service for daily sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 6
23 Providing service for Daily Sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 5
TRN : 775490 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing service for daily sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 5
24 Providing service for Daily Sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 4
TRN : 775491 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing service for daily sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 4
25 Providing service for Daily Sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 2
TRN : 775493 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 19.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing service for daily sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 2
26 Providing service for Daily Sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 1
TRN : 775494 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing service for daily sweeping and cleaning road within ward no. 1
27 Provide service for Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Wet and Dry form from door to door with the help of Departmental Vehicles
TRN : 775495 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 21.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for provide service for collection of municipal solid waste in wet and dry form from door to door with the help of departmental vehicles
28 Provide service for Running Vermi composting unit by using wet waste daily supplied by municipal council
TRN : 775496 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for provide service for running vermi composting unit by using wet waste daily supplied by municipal council
29 Management of Gadhinglaj Municipal Solid Waste in Site no.28 for Storaged Solid Wastes Sagrigted
TRN : 775497 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for management of gadhinglaj municipal solid waste in site no.28 for storaged solid wastes sagrigted
30 Provide service for Removing Weeds from open space and roadside
TRN : 775498 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for provide service for removing weeds from open space and roadside

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