You have searched for giridih-jharkhand- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Cast Steel Gate Valve
TRN : 858443 |  Giridih - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 8.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Uranium Corporation Of India Limited
Tender award for cast steel gate valve
2 Groove Roller for Drum Filter >
TRN : 858444 |  Giridih - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 9.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Uranium Corporation Of India Limited
Tender award for groove roller for drum filter >
3 Annual maintenance contract (AMC) of 03 Nos electronic road weigh bridge installed at New Makoli, Tarmi siding New and Karipani electronic road weigh bridge 50Te and 60 Te capacity of SDOCM
4 Partial repairing of cracked mast (top portion0 and replacement of track roller - 4 nos. of IDM 30 Drill SL. NO. RDC 1288 of Giridih OCP
5 Repairing of steering cylinder (LH and RH) and its mounting brackets and repairing of catwalk, ladder, battery box, cabin door locks and engine top cover of Water Sprinkler SL. NO. WS 295 of Giridih OCP
6 Partial repairing of cracked undercarriage chassis (RH side) of CK 300 Shovel SL. NO. EXC 2936 of Giridih OCP
TRN : 855987 |  Giridih - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 81.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for partial repairing of cracked undercarriage chassis (rh side) of ck 300 shovel sl. no. exc 2936 of giridih ocp
7 Repairing of LH and RH arm spindle, front spindles and mountings and partial repairing of front drive line of BH 60M Dumper SL. NO. 60426/D 12470 of Giridih OCP.
8 Repairing of LH rear suspension eye holes - 2 nos. and mounting brackets - 4 nos. and partial repairing of cracked dump body (LH side) of BH 60M Dumper SL. NO. 60429/D 12471 of Giridih OCP
9 Repairing of RH rear suspension eye holes - 2 nos. and mounting brackets - 4 nos. and partial repairing of front drive line of BH 60M Dumper SL. NO. 60066/D 12180 of Giridih Project
10 Repair and maintenance of boundary wall, roof and other miscellaneous work at Opencast Sub-Station under Giridih Area.
TRN : 853001 |  Giridih - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 3.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenance of boundary wall, roof and other miscellaneous work at opencast sub-station under giridih area.

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