You have searched for guna-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Construction of Yard Fencing with chain link mesh over brick wall at 33/11 KV S/S Atta khedi under O and M Circle Guna.
TRN : 667241 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
Tender award for construction of yard fencing with chain link mesh over brick wall at 33/11 kv s/s atta khedi under o and m circle guna.
92 Estimate for 25No. Midspan Pole at 33KV Bamora Feeder at Garethi to Thubonji under Piprai DC in OM Dn. Mungaoli.
TRN : 862055 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidvut Vitaran Co. Ltd.
Tender award for estimate for 25no. midspan pole at 33kv bamora feeder at garethi to thubonji under piprai dc in om dn. mungaoli.
93 Construction of CM Sarovar Package No. Guna-SR0605 Village Banjarikhurd, Gram Panchayat Solaie Block Chanchoda, Distt. Guna
TRN : 647972 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.47 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of cm sarovar package no. guna-sr0605 village banjarikhurd, gram panchayat solaie block chanchoda, distt. guna
94 Construction of CM Sarovar Package No. Guna-SR0604 Village Gondiya, Gram Panchayat Gondiya Block Raghogarh, Distt. Guna
TRN : 647973 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 99.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of cm sarovar package no. guna-sr0604 village gondiya, gram panchayat gondiya block raghogarh, distt. guna
95 Renovation work in Law college at P.G. college Guna Disst Guna
TRN : 651105 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 11.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for renovation work in law college at p.g. college guna disst guna
96 Estimate for Interconnection of 11KV line from Silepur to Bamori Tagar under Bamori D/c. of OM DC Guna
TRN : 653148 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
Tender award for estimate for interconnection of 11kv line from silepur to bamori tagar under bamori d/c. of om dc guna
97 Estimate for Interconnection of 11KV line from Nadi to Madikheda under Bamori D/c of OM Dn Guna
TRN : 651143 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
Tender award for estimate for interconnection of 11kv line from nadi to madikheda under bamori d/c of om dn guna
98 Estimate for Installation of New 5MVA 33/11KV Sub station at village Jharpai under Jamner D/c. of O&M Dn. Raghogarh
TRN : 653151 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 26.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
Tender award for estimate for installation of new 5mva 33/11kv sub station at village jharpai under jamner d/c. of o&m dn. raghogarh
99 Estimate for conductor Augmentation of 33KV Panwadihat Line under Rampur D/c of OM Dn Guna
TRN : 651145 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
Tender award for estimate for conductor augmentation of 33kv panwadihat line under rampur d/c of om dn guna
100 Estimate for Installation of 03Nos of 1500KVAR Capacitor Bank at 33/11KV S/s Rehpura, Vishanwada Sonkhara at Bamori DC under Guna OM Circle
TRN : 653136 |  Guna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
Tender award for estimate for installation of 03nos of 1500kvar capacitor bank at 33/11kv s/s rehpura, vishanwada sonkhara at bamori dc under guna om circle

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