You have searched for gurdaspur-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

191 Certain minor , revenue and sanctioned works of B/R and E/M at Tibri Mil Stn under GE Gurdaspur.
TRN : 663763 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 37.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for certain minor , revenue and sanctioned works of b/r and e/m at tibri mil stn under ge gurdaspur.
TRN : 714792 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 33.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repairs of certain furniture against surveyed off and delegated work under ge 969 ews.
193 Repair and maintenance of electric OH lines, UG cable, LT panels and allied works of Zone-II area and outstation under GE Gurdaspur
194 providing of high mast light, Provn of LED lights and Special repair to street lights under GE North Mamun
TRN : 707494 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for providing of high mast light, provn of led lights and special repair to street lights under ge north mamun
195 providing of night picket, Open drain and Special repair to roof treatment and Pron of certain sanctioned works under GE North Mamun
196 Special repair to leakage/seepage, sanitary fittings, flooring, joinery, plastering in bldg No P-70 and Provn of hard standing and Provn of certain sanctioned works under GE North Mamun
197 Provn of night picket, paved area and Provn of certain sanctioned works under GE North Mamun
TRN : 707503 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 24.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of night picket, paved area and provn of certain sanctioned works under ge north mamun
198 Special repair to roof treatment, plastering, plumbing, sanitary fitting, joinery in bldg No. 24 and Provn of Sewage line and Provn of certain sanctioned works under GE NORTH MAMUN
199 Providing and Supply Installing Commissioning of Non Clog Sewerage Submersible Pump Set 20 BHP With Complete in all Other Works at Disposal Site Fatehgarh Churian
200 Special Repair to hard standing for parking and Provn of 64xPartition of hall under AGE B/R-II of GE NORTH MAMUN
TRN : 707522 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repair to hard standing for parking and provn of 64xpartition of hall under age b/r-ii of ge north mamun

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