You have searched for gurdaspur-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
251Renovation Providing YL 20 Mtr HM with LED Prov Street Light with 10 Mtr Long Pole, Major Repair of YL SL, Prov SR EI in Cover Shed with LED Fittings SM Repair Painting of Tower Panel in various PCs in GM Dina Nagar Distt Gurdaspur (750 cr project)
Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value :
33.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture
252Prov of 16 20 Mtr High Mast on Yard with LED Repair Renovation of Existing system, Prov EI in Cover Sheds and Tower Lighting in Various PC MC Batala Distt. Gurdaspur (under 750 Cr Project)
Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.61 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture
258Various Seasonal Arrangements for Rabi/Kharif season 2019-20 of Principal yard/varous seasonal yards/Sub yards under the notified area of Market Committee Kalanour
Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value :
8.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture